11.01.2024 the list of admitted candidates and the calendar of the oral test are published regarding the notice of selection of a unit of staff with an administrative professional profile 

19.12.2023 we inform you that the oral test of the public notice for the selection of a unit of staff with an administrative professional profile will be carried out on 18/01/2024 at 10.15 a.m. at the operational headquarters of the Regional Foundation for Biomedical Research in Milan, via Taramelli, 12 building F -third floor-meeting room.

12.12.2023 the selection notice for the recruitment of a staff unit with a full-time and permanent employment administrative is published

 Opening for applications: from 14/12/2023 at 12.00 a.m.

 Public Notice 

07/12/2023 Expression of interest for the assignment of the DATA PROTECTION OFFICER Service

Market Survey

Annex A

05/12/2023 Expression of interest for the assignment of the LABOUR CONSULTANT Service

 Market Survey

 Annex A

12.12.2023 the list of admitted candidates and the calendar of the oral test are published regarding the notice of selection of  Head of Eu Funding Project Manager

 27.11.2023 we inform you that the oral test of the public notice for the selection of a Scientific Area Manager will be carried out on 21/12/2023 at 9.30 a.m. at the operational headquarters of the Regional Foundation for Biomedical Research in Milan via Taramelli, 12 building F -third floor-meeting room.

14.11.2023 the notice of selection of a Head of the Scientific Area Function is published

Opening for applications: from 16/11/2023

Public Notice 

07.11.2023 the notice of selection of a Head of the "European Project Management" Function is published

Opening for applications: from 07/11/2023

Public Notice

12.12.2023 the results of the selection of a Scientific Area Officer are published

05.12.2023 the list of admitted candidates and the calendar of the oral test are published regarding the notice of selection of a Scientific Area Officer

14.11.2023 we inform you that the oral test of the public notice for the selection of a Scientific Area Officer will be carried out on 11/12/2023 at 9.30 a.m. at the operational headquarters of the Regional Foundation for Biomedical Research in Milan via Taramelli, 12 building F -third floor-meeting room.

 02.11.2023 the notice of selection of a Scientific Area Officer is published

 Opening for applications: from 10/11/2023 at 12.00

 Public Notice



FRRB organises an online event open to IRCCS, ASST, Universities and Research Institutions to present two European Calls: 

European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases Joint Transnational Call 2022 "Development of new analytic tools and pathways to accelerate diagnosis and facilitate diagnostic monitoring of rare diseases", dedicated to transnational research projects aimed at the diagnosis of rare diseases.

ERAPerMed Joint Transitional Call 2022 "Prevention in Personalised Medicine", aimed at international consortia conducting research and innovation, creating synergies between basic biomedical research, clinical research, bioinformatics, epidemiology, socio-economic research, as well as research on the impacts of personalised medicine in clinical practice and society.

For further details and the registration link click here.



Fondazione Regionale per la Ricerca Biomedica ha aderito al progetto WhistleblowingPA di Transparency International Italia e di Whistleblowing Solutions e ha adottato la piattaforma informatica prevista per adempiere agli obblighi normativi e in quanto ritiene importante dotarsi di uno strumento sicuro per le segnalazioni.


Le caratteristiche di questa modalità di segnalazione sono le seguenti:

i) la segnalazione viene fatta attraverso la compilazione di un questionario;

ii) la segnalazione viene ricevuta dal Responsabile per la Prevenzione della Corruzione e della Trasparenza (RPCT) e da lui gestita mantenendo il dovere di confidenzialità nei confronti del segnalante;

iii) nel momento dell’invio della segnalazione, il segnalante riceve un codice numerico di 16 cifre che deve conservare per poter accedere nuovamente alla segnalazione, verificare la risposta dell’RPCT e dialogare rispondendo a richieste di chiarimenti o approfondimenti;

iv) La segnalazione può essere fatta da qualsiasi dispositivo digitale (pc, tablet, smartphone) sia dall’interno dell’ente che dal suo esterno. La tutela dell’anonimato è garantita in ogni circostanza.
