FRRB Project 1751036 - Precision medicine tools to advance management of liposarcoma patients.

Name and Surname of PI

Sandro Pasquali

Project Acronym


Project ID


Host Institution

Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale per lo studio e la cura dei Tumori - Milan

Pathology of Interest


Research Area


Project Start Date

1 May 2021

Project End Date

30 April 2024


€ 586.397,60

Type of Project



Dedifferentiated liposarcoma is a rare cancer with limited therapeutic options. Currently, surgical resection is the standard treatment and approximately half of patients develop a recurrence after surgery. This study aimed at improving knowledge around this rare tumour type with the final goal of indentifying determinants of patient prognosis and molecular characteristics that can be exploited as therapeutic targets. We will analyse radiological characteristics of tumour images through radiomics analysis and also molecular features exploiting approaches of next generation sequencing. Molecular characteristics that work as therapeutic targets will be used to test currently available and innovative anti-cancer agents. Cellular and animal models will be extensively used to test these therapeutics. Findings from this study will allow the identification of new treatment strategies tailored on patient characteristics as well as morphological and molecular tumour features.