ERAPERMED Joint Transnational Call 2022
FRRB is pleased to announce the launch of the fourth ERAPERMED Joint Transitional Call JTC 2022 “Prevention in Personalised Medicine”.
With its fifth transnational call, ERA PerMed fosters research and innovation activities that build close linkages between clinical research, computer science/medical informatics and research on ethical, legal and social aspects (ELSA) in the field of PM.
The JTC 2022 of ERA PerMed comprises three Research Areas:
• Research Area 1: “Translating Basic to Clinical Research and Beyond”.
• Research Area 2: “Data and ICT”.
• Research Area 3: “Responsible and Effective Implementation in Healthcare”
Each proposal MUST address at least one module out of each research area.
FRRB, partner of the ERA-Net consortium, has allocated 2.000.000,00 Euro for funding projects submitted by eligible institutions (Public or Private IRCCS, Public Health Care Providers (ASST), Universities and Research Institutes located on the Lombardy territory.
PLEASE NOTE: differently from last year, FRRB has decided to fund also AREA 3 research activities but ONLY in combination with AREA 1 or 2:
a) In a consortium where there is only one Lombardy Beneficiary, the Lombardy PI working on AREA 3 shall have a role ALSO in AREA 1 or 2.
b) In a consortium where there are two Lombardy Beneficiaries, at least one Lombardy Partner shall work on AREA 1 or 2.
More information on the official project page:
From the official page of the JTC 2022 call it is possible to download the documents necessary to apply:
According to internal procedures, Regional Foundation for Biomedical Research (FRRB) will check the elegibility of applicants prior to the submission of the pre-proposals.
Pre-eligibility documents can be downloaded from the official project page and on this page, in the "Download documents" section.
FRRB provides an excel sheet to help applicants abide by FRRB funding rules. This form is meant to support the PIs in the elaboration of the budget, but it does not need to be sent to FRRB.
Description | Period |
Opening of the JTC 2022 | 1 December 2021 |
Pre-proposals deadline | 17 February 2022 (17:00 CET) |
Full-proposals deadline | 14 June 2022 (17:00 CET) |
Final funding decision | (October/November 2022) |
FRRB Financial allocation FRRB | 2.000.000 € |