FRRB Project 1751150 - Restoring neural oscillatory communication between dorsal and ventral visual streams in developmental dyslexia

Name and Surname of PI

Luca Ronconi

Project Acronym


Project ID


Host Institution

IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele - Milan

Pathology of Interest

Developmental Dyslexia

Research Area

Psychiatry and Neuroscience

Project Start Date

14 June 2021

Project End Date

13 June 2024


€ 599.540,00

Type of Project



Though recently acquired, reading represents a fundamental cognitive skill in our modern society. 10% of the population shows reading deficits because of Developmental Dyslexia (DD), representing an important research topic. Moreover, DD has consequences on individuals’ academic and professional experience and may lead to a higher risk of developing anxiety and depression. The study of effective interventions for DD requires the integration of behavioural training with non-invasive brain stimulation techniques, which may have beneficial effects on the functionality of the brain networks for reading.  During the first year of the NeOsReDy project, we carried out some pilot studies: in the first place, we developed a reading acceleration training for the adult population, testing its effect on reading speed. Moreover, we tested different transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation (tACS) protocols, identifying the most effective in ameliorating letters perception in the peripheral visual field. During the second year, we began testing the combination of such reading training with tACS in adults with DD. Specifically, we are studying the effect of this combined training on reading performance, reading-related cognitive skills, eye-movement patterns, and brain activity registered through electroencephalography (EEG). Preliminary results show that tACS application during the training is associated with a larger increase in reading speed, with an increased oculo-motor efficiency during visual scanning of the reading material, and with positive effects on memory and visual-spatial skills involved in reading.

These preliminary results pave the way for the future possible introduction of the combination of visual trainings and neuromodulation in the clinical practice of DD treatment.

Website of the research team: