Through its fifth transnational call, ERA PerMed aims to foster research on prevention in personalised medicine. The overarching goal of the call is the development of tailor-made strategies for prevention of disease and disease progression, at three different levels:
i. preventive measures decreasing the rate of incidence (primary prevention),
ii. early detection to increase the efficacy of a preventive therapy, even before symptoms are developed (secondary prevention), and
iii. interventions preventing disease recurrence or improving patients’ care and quality of life (tertiary prevention).
The call is planned to be launched on December 1st , 2021, with a submission deadline for preproposals on February 17, 2022. It is expected, that consortia invited for the full-proposal stage, will need to submit their proposals on June 14th , 2022.
For more information, the text of the pre-annoucement is available here: Era perMed JTC2022