The COVID-19 pandemic has massively disrupted the different health systems of European countries, highlighting the difficulties in the public and private sectors. However, this unique situation has also served as an accelerator for a needed transformation of pre - pandemic health systems.

In response to this challenge and the need to improve European healthcare systems, the Managing Authority of the INTERREG EUROPE 2014-2020 programme decided to allocate additional funds, launching a call for additional activities in order to further help approved projects to deal with the crisis. This exceptional measure offers the possibility for approved projects:

- to further exchange experiences on the way the crisis impacts the issue they address and on possible measures to face and recover from the crisis,

- to further improve their regional development policies to better face and recover from this unprecedented situation.

The previous 2014-2020 programme (now replaced by the new INTERREG EUROPE 2021-2027 programme) aimed at strengthening the effectiveness of regional development policies and programmes (through the ROP ERDF) and programs under the "European territorial cooperation" objective (ETC). The Programme encouraged the collaboration, the exchange of ideas and good practices among public authorities throughout Europe in order to find solutions for the improvement of policies and strategies to the benefit of European citizenship.

This project was conceived in continuity with the previous TITTAN project (which ended March 31, 2021) and the thematic themes contained therein. To fully exploit the experience acquired, the TITTAN Covid 19 project requires each partner Region to carry out a deep reflection on the lessons learned (during the initial and ongoing phase) which the pandemic has irremediably entailed. It is also expected that each partner shares the knowledge acquired to create synergies and stimulate the implementation of effective solutions through the mutual exchange of good practices.

The project, funded by the INTERREG EUROPE programme for a period of 18 months, aims to share good practices following three thematic areas (TA):

1. Healthcare delivery pathways.

2. AHA Ecosystems (“Active Health Ageing” Ecosystems).

3. Patient Empowerment.

FRRB, partner of the project, will organize meetings (face-to-face or virtual) with its stakeholders in the Lombardy region (through the DAS approach - Define, Assess and Stratify). It will then provide to the dissemination of the good practices acquired by participating in the three dedicated Workshops (Pro-Active and Valued Exchange of Experiences - PAVEEx workshop).

Consortium Partnership: 5 organisations from 4 European countries (Spain, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom). 

For more information: interregeurope.eu/tittan

FRRB Report 'Best Practices during the Pandemic - TITTAN Covid 19 Project

After the conclusion of the Workshops on the best practices implemented in the fight against COVID 19 and presented during the year 2022 within the TITTAN Covid-19 project, a summary report of all the Good Practices collected by FRRB on the Lombardy territory is now available.

To download the report, click on this link


Description Period
Project start date 01/10/2021
Project end date 01/03/2023
FRRB Amount Euro 26.250,00