Progetto FRRB ID 4981942 - Artificial Intelligence-Enhanced Diagnosis of PBC-AIH Variant Syndrome (AIVAR)

Dati del progetto

Principal Investigator

 Dr. Alessio Gerussi

Ente ospitante

 Fondazione IRCCS San Gerardo dei Tintori

Area Tematica

 Malattie Rare

Data di inizio Progetto


Data di fine Progetto


Importo assegnato

 500.000,00 €

Tipo Progetto



Autoimmune Hepatitis (AIH) and Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC) are rare diseases of the liver that pose diagnostic and treatment challenges. When features of both AIH and PBC are present (10% of all cases), PBC-AIH variant syndrome should be suspected. Yet, PBC-AIH variant syndrome is an orphan condition, with frequent misdiagnoses and inconsistent treatment approach.

This research project aims to revolutionize PBC-AIH variant syndrome diagnosis and management through advanced technologies and data-driven methods, improving diagnostic accuracy and patient outcomes.