Progetto FRRB ID 4980460 - FluidOdynamics and plaque moRphology integrated assEssment to prediCt coronAry inStabiliTy (FORECAST)
Dati del progetto
Principal Investigator |
Dr. Dario Pellegrini |
Ente ospitante |
Ospedale Galeazzi |
Area Tematica |
Cardiovascolare |
Data di inizio Progetto |
16/12/2024 |
Data di fine Progetto |
15/12/2027 |
Importo assegnato |
500.000,00 € |
Tipo Progetto |
Individuale |
The FORECAST study aims at assessing the accuracy of an integrated morpho-functional assessment (MFA) of the coronary vasculature in predicting the occurrence of adverse cardiovascular events and the progression of coronary artery disease (CAD).