Progetto FRRB ID 4977360 - Yield of GEnetic testing in Arrhythmic Myocarditis (GEAM)
Dati del progetto
Principal Investigator |
Dr. Giovanni Peretto |
Ente ospitante |
IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele |
Area Tematica |
Cardiologia |
Data di inizio Progetto |
02/12/2024 |
Data di fine Progetto |
01/12/2027 |
Importo assegnato |
499.999,20 € |
Tipo Progetto |
Individuale |
Arrhythmic myocarditis is responsible for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in many young people. Although the molecular mechanisms of the disease are unknown, recent reports suggest that pathogenic cardiomyopathic gene variants (CGVs) are frequently found in patients with myocarditis complicated by ventricular arrhythmias (VA). However, the issue lacks systematic and sex-specific investigation. This research project aims at:
- Defining the prevalence of CGVs in females and males with arrhythmic myocarditis;
- Describing the prognostic value of CGVs;
- Identifying gene expression profiles associated with VA in cardiac tissue.