Progetto FRRB ID 4987503 - OMics-based newborn integrated screening for accurate false-positive easing: discovery of new signatures with an artificial intelligence approach (OMNISAFE)

Dati del progetto

Principal Investigator

Dr.ssa Clarissa Berardo

Ente ospitante

ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco

Area Tematica

Malattie Rare

Data di inizio Progetto


Data di fine Progetto


Importo assegnato

499.999,80 €

Tipo Progetto



Newborn screening (NBS) is a preventive medicine program that allows the identification of metabolic diseases in still asymptomatic infants, reducing both the risk of serious developmental damage to the child and the social impact on families and National Health System. The main aims of this project are:

  • Reducing the number of false positives;
  • Increasing genetic rate diagnosis;
  • Identifiying new and more selective molecular markers to be included in innovated NBS.